The5thCapacity BuildingProgram forInternational AgriculturalProfessionalssponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs(MARA)commencedat Weigang Campus, Nanjing Agricultural University (NJAU), on October 23, 2024. Deputy Director Peng TingjunatDepartment of International Cooperationof MARA, President Chen Fadi of NJAU,and Level II Bureau Rank OfficialZhang YaochunatJiangsu ProvincialDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,among others, attended the opening ceremony.
DeputyDirector Peng highlightedthe importance of theCapacityBuildingProgramin implementing the central government’s initiativesof opening-up, international engagement and active participation and leadership in global governance.He encouraged the trainees to raise their political stance, improve their language competence as well as professional skills during their study in the program.

Deputy Director Peng Tingjun makes the opening speech
President Chengave abrief introduction toNJAU,includingits achievements indisciplineconstruction, thenewly-builtBinjiang Campus and internationalcooperationin agricultural science and education. Chen spokehighly of the program and made his promiseon behalf of the university to providequality teachingandserviceso as to help cultivate top-notch international professionals for further agricultural exchangesbetween China and the world.

President Chen Fadi gives the welcome speech
Since 2020,NJAUhas hosted four sessions of theCapacity Building Program,providingtrainingfora total of 140 participants.The program aims to cultivate international agricultural talentsto bewell-versed in national policies, possess a global perspective,andproficient in foreign languages and cross-cultural communication. 20 participants from various governmentalagencies and research institutesare enrolled in the 2024 program.

Vice-President Zhu Yan of NJAU hosts the commencement

Group Photo of the Commencement