Professor Zhao Baisheng, Director of the World Biography Research Centre at Peking University, delivered a lecture entitled“Area Studies:OnJulius NyerereandLong Walk to Freedom”at College of Foreign Studies on November 13, 2024. Over a hundred audienceattended the lecture.

Professor Zhao proposedthat the21stcentury is the century of biography in the beginning of the lecture. Addressing the widespread gaps in public understanding and the stereotypes surrounding Africa and African diasporic cultures, he emphasized the importance of area studies. He suggesteda new“North-South Model”, andargued for a shift in intellectual perspectiveswhichreflects the profound changes in global political and economic landscapes as well as the evolving demands for global governance.

In the second section, new approaches to area studies were introduced. TakingJulius NyerereandLong Walk to Freedomas the example, Zhao analyzed the value expressed in thesebiographies.In particular he delved into Mandela’s world view and how Mandela becamean icon inAfrican leadership.

In the final section, Professor Zhaoemphasizedthe power of education, considering it as the most effective weapon for changingtheworld.Students are expected to be bilingual and interdisciplinary talents with global vision and ecological consciousness in the new era.Following the conclusion of the lecture, some studentsvoicedtheir opinions and Professor Zhao provided detailed answers.
The lecture was hosted by Associate Professor Li Zhenhong, Vice Deanof Collegeof Foreign Studiesand head of the team“African Literature and Culture Studies”.